Khing in nyc now

Dear P'mook

i here in nyc and everything is fine with me but today i went to shcool (nylc) and they asked me to pay for school again i don't know  why?  pls let me know my email

  Khing (panwarat)
[19 May 2008 , 22]

Dear Nong Khing,

Glad to hear you are fine. I'm P'Dee.  I think a school staff might misunderstand between some studentswho applied by themselves and ones who applied via agent. I will e-mail to school again. If they asked you pls tell them you applied vis TIE. They will know ja. How is the weather there? Hope all is well with you naja. If you need any further assistance, pls let us know naja as we are willing to help you both further study in the university or any other issue till you finish the program at NYLC. This is what we do for our students whith free of charge ja. Take care naja and I will let P' Mook know you give her regard. Pls take care and be a good student and be good to yourself naja.

All the best to you,

P' Dee and P' Mook


[22 May 2008 , 23]