  I want to study in this subject but not MBA. Do you have any
idea about which university is good. I prefer study in
London only. When course start? I Please answer my questions
Thank you very much
[27 April 2006 , ]
Hi ya!! If you would like to study in Marketing field but
not in MA, then it would be Msc, such as Marketing
communication and PR Marketing. I shall recommend you the
top rank universities which are located in London. Firstly,
Wesminster university, its campuses are in Regent street and
Marylebone. I reckon that Msc' feild is based on Marylebone
campus. Importantly, you are required GPA of 3.14 and 6.5-7
on IELTS. In addition to this, there is the other university
located in London where it is also good in marketing,
Middlesex university.
Well, I hopefully these information are useful for you.
If you would like any further assistance, please feel free
to pop in our office. You are very welcome!!
[27 April 2006 , ]
Thank you very much but both of them ranking is quite not
good it is about nearly 100(from web time). Do you have any
idea about International business in london? I prefer to
study in top50. If I'm not graduate from MBA or some thing
like that what should I do?I want to go your office but now
I'm living in london so I want you prepare course when I go
back I'll go there. Please recommend me..thank you very
[27 April 2006 , ]
Well, i think you misunderstood a little bit about the how
British university ranks. Generally, good ranking university
can be ranked by field and also standard of the uni',
Westminster and Middlesex uni'es are not in the first top
50 from the good standard uni ranking. However, it is
importantly to look into the Marketing field
orCommunication, Media studies and such. These recommended
universities are in the top one. Most imporantly,
Westminster uni requier 7 on IELTS and GPA of 3 above. As
you are in London, you are, hopefully, supposed to know
that the lower top ranking uni will not require this high.
If you dont believe in what i said, i dont mind. But please
go to and to have a
look on the above field, search for top ranking university
in Communication, Media study, Business or whateva you want
to study.

I put my finger crossed that you find the information and
understand how it ranks better. If not, i 'd recommend you
to talk with somebody who has some academic knowledge. I am
sure they will suggest you to look at the professors team
who work for the uni'. Then, it is gonna come up wioth
Ranking by field again
[28 April 2006 , ]
thank you very much  
[28 April 2006 , ]